Ice Melt / Dust Control / Water Conditioning Products

Dow Peladow®...Calcium melter & dust control.
Dead Sea Works MAG®..
Magnesium melter and effective dust control application
Liquid MAG..PreIceing conditioner
Safer than Salt..
Blends of Cal/Mag 25%, Sodium 75%

Availability: New England, MidAtlantic, & Southern States
Shipping Requirments: Truckloads only (44,000lbs.)

Halite...Rock Salt bagged and bulk.



Availability: N.E., MidAtlantic, VA, W.VA.(most areas)
Shipping Requirments: Truckloads only (44,000lbs.)

Potassium Chloride..100% Potassium.
Ice Breaker..Blend of Potassium & traction grabber. For envirnmentally safe requirements.
Urea..For airport and other sensitive application requirements where corrosion prevention is a top priority.
Lawn & Garden... fertilizers/conditioners/weed control etc.

Availability: New England, MidAtlantic, Southern States
Shipping Requirments: Truckloads only (44,000lbs.)


Philly 12/05/2002

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Accudata Systems